7 Danger Due To Lack Of Sleep For Health

7 Danger Due To Lack Of Sleep For Health

Danger due to lack of sleep . Sleep is a routine activity undertaken by humans to rest the body and mind . There are so many benefits that can be obtained from the sleep activity . One of them is the body will be more fit and refreshed when you wake up . So that we are ready to face the day -to-day heavy and tiring that we must live today .

    Companions , health tips . Many of us who ignore this sleep activity . This can be proven , we often still awake at night like watching tv until late at night , talking with friends in the evening to not forget the time or do activities at night with the exception of those who have to work at night . Companions , health tips . Lack of sleep at night is not good for your health . 

Here are 7 Danger due to lack of sleep to health :

  1. If you are a worker who must use cars and motorcycles . You should have enough rest at night . This is because , if you do not sleep at night , then you can bet your focus when driving will decrease . This could be dangerous for you , because we know the number of vehicles continues to increase from year to year so it can be imagined . You lose focus in the wake of a vehicle on the left, right , back , front you . Remember the lives at stake , due to lack of sleep . Reporting from kompas.com , a research in America showed that sleep quality is low , then it can lead to accidents and injuries at work .
  2. Did you know , lack of sleep can lead to decreased concentration . For those of you who are students who have to work or you use your mind , lack of sleep can lead to impaired concentration when you are learning or need to remember about something already and you have not done before .
  3. Due to lack of sleep is also very bad for your health . Various diseases will come to you as heart disease , high blood pressure , stroke and even diabetes . You do not expect to experience it all right .... ? ? ? ?
  4. Another result of the lack of sleep that you will often experience stress , often angry unclear and often moody look in between your daily activities .
  5. Due to lack of sleep will affect the fifth is not good for your skin and eyes . In this case , your skin will look dull and pale and fine lines that appear on your skin and your eyes look puffy .
  6. You often forget to remember the items that you put in yourself , when about to need the goods. This is possible also due to your lack of sleep at night . Try to think of itself , is enough that you sleep during the night .
  7. Sleep due to seven is obese or overweight . When we are always awake at night , there will be an increase in hunger and desire or appetite always wanted to be channeled lead to obesity or obesity with excess body weight from ideal size .

        Such health tips discussed 7 dangers of lack of sleep for health . May you rest more on discipline within the body when the move is complete .